Singing Lessons for the Non-Singer: Finding Your Voice

Everyone can learn to sing. Yes! I actually  believe that! Go tell ya mama and ‘nem I said it.  The common misconception is that you have to have “natural talent” to be able to take singing lessons. I’d love to challenge that belief today and free some people up who’ve considered learning to sing but thought that their voice was just too far gone. 

There are many reasons why one would want to learn to sing besides recording a new country album and killing it (shout to Beyonce). Let’s consider the many benefits of learning to sing. 

First, singing improves confidence. Singing is a very vulnerable task. You are sharing with the world your voice. When you successfully take on the daunting task to sing in front of a crowd, your confidence soars. Many students at Melissa T Music Lessons say “I’m so proud of myself!” “I can’t believe I actually did it!” Oh and we can’t forget the millennial’s favorite phrase, “So…I did a thing!”  When you step outside your comfort zone, you directly combat stage fright, fear of judgment and fear of failure. Singing is an emotional art form. When you sing with emotion and passion and receive that affirmation by a round of applause, you are affirmed in those feelings. 

Prior to starting Melissa T Music Lessons, I  was a mental health therapist. So please indulge me and let me nerd out on a little psychology real quick. Singing has been shown to release endorphins, the brain's “feel-good” chemicals. It also reduces levels of stress hormones like cortisol. These physiological changes can lead to a more positive mood and a sense of well-being, which in turn can enhance overall confidence. 

I’m sure you’re already considering starting lessons because you’re reading this blog. (The algorithm knows all!) But you may still feel hesitant about starting. Please let me reassure you that having no experience in singing is perfectly fine. In singing lessons, you can start from scratch. Lessons at Melissa T Music Lessons cater to the beginner music student. We can start from the very beginning! I’m talking the basics: pitch, rhythm and breath control. Common challenges for beginners are stage fright, hitting the right notes and memorizing lyrics. It’s okay that you don’t have that down. That's what lessons are for! All these challenges can be overcome with guided practice from our incredible teachers. 

Our lessons are tailored to help every individual find and improve their voice, regardless of their starting point. I want to encourage you to take the first step and sign up for just one lesson. See how it feels. Explore your unique voice. It deserves to be heard!

For more information visit our website at If you’d like to personally chat with me and ask a few questions about lessons shoot me an email at